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User Experience & Service Design: “Inspire, align, get your hands dirty"


September 25, 2023

User Experience & Service Design: “Inspire, align, get your hands dirty"


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The User Experience & Service Deisgn workshop starts on Wednesday the 27th of September to provide an action-learning experience, with practical group workshop activities on ECIU University UX & Service Design key points across all the ECIU. Participation is limited to member of the ECIU University network.

This workshop follows up on conversations around the intention of ECIU University to engage colleagues in a facilitated journey to inspire, align mind-set and seed knowledge and practices around User Experience and Service Design.

This initial journey:

  • will enable a base-level alignment on what it is UX & Service Design contextualized in the ECIU University services development towards a fully functioning European ecosystem [INSPIRE]
  • will foster peers knowledge and collaboration among colleagues involved in the services developments, coming from different area of expertise and responsibilities which will be a fundamental asset for the success of all the future shared efforts [ALIGN]
  • will provide an action-learning experience, with proper practical group workshop activities on ECIU University UX & Service Design keypoints [GET YOUR HANDS DIRTY]

Moreover the consultant and facilitator (Cristiano Siri), will provide mentoring all along the journey, either to the Core Team and to the participants, through smaller groups mentoring sessions.

Finally at the end of this (initial) journey, Cristiano Siri will synthesize the key points and recommendations emerging from the group work and he will suggest how to go forward (eventual further mentoring/consultancy work and collaboration is available on my side and will be object of a future offer, if asked and based on the satisfaction of the mutual experience on this initial journey).

In the end of this initial journey all the participants will have experienced not just a theoretical shared moment, but a full “get your hands dirty” together + mentoring which will be a robust baseline experience which will positively affect and support the project in the future.


ECIU is the leading international consortium of research intensive universities, with collective emphasis on innovation, creativity and societal impact, driving the development of a knowledge-based economy.