To support a truly innovative startups and scaleups ecosystem, Europe must invest in the knowledge valorisation potential of its universities, and the link between universities and the local innovation ecosystems. In this input to the European Commission consultation on the upcoming EU startup and scaleup strategy, the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) shares concrete suggestions for a thriving European startup and scaleup ecosystem.
Startups and scaleups are crucial for the EU’s competitiveness. They often bring to the market breakthrough innovative solutions for societal challenges. However, their growth is still hindered by barriers, including difficulties in accessing private capital in the EU and in selling seamlessly across the single market.
The upcoming EU Strategy contains a set of policy, financial and legislative measures to improve and simplify framework conditions for start-ups and scale-ups. Stakeholders are invited to provide their views, which will help shape the initiative.
More information: European Commission consultation page
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