The goal of PBL 2020 international conference is to challenge, transform and expand current practices through the lenses of envisioned future hybrid learning models and environments for engaging students. The PANPBL address both PBL and active learning methodologies.
PBL 2020 is organized in to tow overarching tracks
Furthermore, the conference is organized to emphasize research as well as practice of PBL and active learning. Therefore, both scientific submissions and practice-based submissions are welcome.
PBL 2020 offers three types of submissions and pblication formats
Please note that publication formats will be combined with different ways to present your work, such as panel discussions, symposia, workshops, PBL problem-triggers, interactive posters, and more. A detailed list of possible presentation formats will be published in the Second Call for Papers.
For further information for the conference:
PANPBL Association for PBL and Active Learning
The PBL2020 International conference is held in conjunction with the IRSPBL 2020August 16-18 at Aalborg University
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