ECIU University invites the ECIU community to participate in its ECIU Research Labs-Online event, taking place on 3rd April 2025 from 11 to 13 CET.
This event aims to bring together ECIU researchers interested in discussing research ideas for building an ECIU consortium and developing research applications to be submitted to EU or international funding opportunities.
This online event is part of the ECIU Research Labs, structured in a two-stage networking plan:
After the first interactions during the online event, interested ECIU researchers will work remotely to further develop the research ideas and prepare a one-page to be submitted to the ECIU Vice Presidents Group by 2nd June 2025 in view of the physical meeting in Rouen.More details will be presented during the April 3rd meeting.
The list of the current research ideas can be found here .
This event is restricted to researchers who are affiliated with ECIU institutions.
11:00: Welcome by John Doyle, DCU and Chair of the ECIU Vice Presidents for Research Group (VPR group).
Introduction to the work done by the VPR group
11:10-11.20: Context and Purpose for the ECIU Research Labs (Gilles Gasso, VPR INSA Rouen)
11:20-11:25: Attendees join the different breakout rooms
11:25: 12:40: Presentation of the research ideas in the break-out rooms, discussion, and first proposal developments
12:40: Feedback from the breakout rooms and next steps
13.00: End of the meeting
We look forward to seeing you online on 3rd April from 11 CET!
If you have any questions, please contact