The challenge-based approach and collaboration with stakeholders, including industry partners, is at the core of the ECIU University activities. A truly inspiring meeting happened earlier this week where ECIU researchers and innovators, together with the representatives of Toyota Material Handling Europe, discussed the cooperation in the research and innovation.
Following the partnership with Linköping University, Toyota Material Handling Europe (TMHE) presented a strategically chosen critical areas (challenges) for the future product, service, production and organizational development to the group of the experts, researchers and innovators within the ECIU.
The purpose of the meeting was to establish contacts with fitting research environments and interests in collaborating in Toyota’s purpose lead innovation process. The challenges focused on transport and logistics, automation, connectivity, energy and sustainability - right on spot for the ECIU University initiative and the Smart Regions agenda.
Later in the year, selected researchers, and potentially relevant start-ups, will eventually be asked to present their research/expertise and be invited to the Toyota plant in Linköping.